
Congratulations to all the race finishers!

Thank you to all the volunteers who braved the snowy-wet conditions to help make the race a big success.

Race results are posted HERE. Photos and video will be added soon so stay tuned!


The Race Is On!

Despite another healthy serving of snow the trails at HVNC are definitely runnable, thanks to many volunteers who went out after the snowstorm to pack down the course.

We have decided to shorten the race course to 10.5 miles to avoid several sensitive areas that are completely saturated. But don't worry, you'll still get your feet wet.

See you on Sunday morning!



To all those who signed up, 
we look forward to seeing you on the 27th!


Are you inspired by the tranquility of running on rustic trails deep in the Maine woods?

Do you enjoy the challenge of highly varied terrain, where slippery roots or loose rocks demand your concentration & sharpen your focus?

Then you should consider registering for a beautiful fall “Race thru the Woods” at Hidden Valley Nature Center. Explore the beautiful mix of single and double-track trails over rolling terrain in this challenging race course. Enjoy hot food around the fire pit after the race.

HVNC is a non-profit, community-supported organization promoting environmental education and sustainable forestry at an ecologically diverse, 1000-acre preserve.  With over 25 miles of hiking/ski trails that traverse a wide variety of natural habitats, HVNC is perfect for runners who prefer cruising through quiet woods over pounding the pavement.


Contact Gary at 586-6752, gary@hvnc.org, or Chris at 586-5161 for more information.